
Companies find themselves subject to ever more extensive and specific legal and regulatory requirements. Having to comply with them, i.e. being compliant, seems self-evident. However, ensuring that all levels of staff comply with these regulations on a permanent basis is a demanding task for company management. This requires a systematic approach with the help of the establishment and maintenance of a so-called compliance management system (CMS).

Current case law shows that this is not a “fashionable topic” and only addresses large capital market-oriented companies: Compliance requirements, such as the national and European requirements on whistleblower protection, supply chain due diligence and ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) address companies of all types, sizes and ownership structures.

An effective CMS secures these benefits for you:

  • a CMS offers protection against liability of the company and its management that could threaten its existence
  • a CMS safeguards the integrity of the company by providing a transparent structure that is visible in the market to contractual partners, financiers and authorities to minimise potentially illegal behaviour, and
  • a CMS provides the privilege of being an attractive employer and contractor.

A CMS must be known and accepted within the company and requires the development of a compliance culture. In line with the company’s objectives, the purpose and implementation of compliance must be bindingly defined within the company. An organisational structure with clear competences and areas of responsibility as well as the analysis of company-specific compliance risks lead to an implementation programme with strategies, rules and procedures. The communication of compliance to all levels of staff is just as imperative as continuous controlling.

BATTKE GRÜNBERG supports you in the development and coordination of a fully comprehensive compliance system. Through our interdisciplinary consulting spectrum, we have your entire company in view.

  • Legal compliance risk analysis
    We analyse and categorise your company-specific legal risks.
  • Compliance Management System
    We support you in the establishment, implementation, execution and optimisation of a tailor-made compliance management system based on this analysis.
  • Company-specific compliance regulations
    We support you in the creation of a compliance code and guidelines.
  • Contract management
    We review, draft and adapt your contracts in line with requirements.
  • Examination and evaluation of legal violations
    We support the clarification of legal violations through legal examination.
  • Prosecution and defence of claims We accompany and represent you in the compliance-relevant prosecution and defence of your company’s claims in and out of court.
  • Training for employees at all levels
    We design and deliver training on all compliance topics for employees.
  • Whistleblowing systems
    We support you in the creation, implementation and maintenance of whistleblower systems.
  • Compliance due diligence for M&A
    We provide you with appropriate compliance due diligence of the target company in the event of planned company and shareholding acquisitions.

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